Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Teacher Tool Box and Math Stations

Well, I broke down and made myself one of those super cute organizers that everyone has been blogging about.  I have to say it was SUPER EASY and turned out SUPER CUTE.  Obviously, my room is done in a Jungle theme so that is how I made my box - giraffe and vines.  The only color box that Lowe's had was dark blue so I would really like to paint my box.  Hmmm...part 2 of teacher tool box project?  Have any of you all painted these plastic toolboxes or does anyone know the best type of paint to use to paint these?   

My next project is fixing up my new bins for Math Stations.  I would love to know what you all do for math.  Do you have a series that you use?  Do you not have a series and totally rely on your own math activities?  Do you use a series and then do stations on the side?  So many options!  My district uses Harcourt Math (orange workbook with a big elephant on front).  I am not crazy about the series, but it isn't horrible either.  I think I would classify it "middle of the road".  I usually teach math as a whole group lesson at the SMART Board and then call small groups to my teaching table just like I do in reading to do the Math Workbook page from the series.  While I have these small groups, my other groups do themed math activities at stations or go to the computer.  My VERY favorite activities come from the very talented Julie Lee.  I just love her stuff, and so do my students.  :)  So...what do you all do for math time?  I would LOVE to know.  

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