Hope everyone has had a very relaxing summer. I know I have! I can't believe it is already time to start back to school. I start in two weeks...TWO...WEEKS! I don't know how it can possibly already be here!
I have been using a hodge-podge of things that I've collected over the year for the first few weeks of school every year. Some kids enter my room knowing very little of the "basics" so I made a Kindergarten NO PREP Basics series for the first ten weeks of school. This unit is made especially for my lower group, but it can be used with everyone. :) It includes both ZB and DN handwriting styles. Here's a sample of what is included. Hope you can use it.
To celebrate my new series on TpT, I am going to offer my first packet (of a ten packet series) to the first ten people who reply to this post and leave an e-mail. All I ask is that you spread the word about this pack by posting a link on your blog or sharing it on FB. Enjoy what's left of your summer!
*You can click HERE to see the packets on TpT.